Unless you’ve implemented a print policy in your office, there’s a good chance your print volumes and costs may be out of control. Even in today’s economic climate that demands expense visibility and control, the avoidable waste associated with office printing is eye opening to say the least!
Based on the fact-based data collected from print assessments we’ve completed with hundreds of customers looking to print smarter and print greener, office printing remains a gaping hole of opportunity for most finance and IT professionals.
Here are some office printing statistics that have caused more than a few business leaders to rethink their print strategy.
- 90% of companies don’t know how many printers they have or how much they spend on print: Do you know? This statistic was released by the Gartner Group a few years ago and still remains remarkably accurate across all industries and sizes of business. Shared ownership of hardcopy output between finance (who buy the MFPs) and IT (who buy the printers) has made it difficult for organizations to track and manage their overall print spend.
- Print is typically the third highest business operating expense behind rent and payroll: Our print assessment software provides clients with fact-based reporting on their actual volumes and hard costs associated with their specific print environment. With accurate data, business leaders can make educated decisions on how to better manage their printing activities and expenses.
- The typical office worker prints 10,000 pages per year at an average annual cost of $725: Do you have usage restrictions for your people to follow? With no basic guidelines on what, where or how many pages an employee can print, it should be no surprise if there is opportunity for improvement. Looking for help? Ask us for about your complimentary Office Print Policy Guide.
- Four prints are now made for every one copy: In the 90s, your office copier probably produced 80 – 90% of the hardcopy output in your office at a low fixed cost per page. That’s before desktop printers invaded your office and quietly drew more volume at a premium cost per page based on toner coverage.
- 37 to 41% of print-related expenses avoid formal procurement approval: Is it possible that people in your organization could be buying small printers and print-related consumables without approval? Without some form of Managed Print strategy, the hidden cost of hardware and consumables can be surprisingly expensive.
- 40 to 60% of IT help desk calls are print related: Most IT professionals refer to office printing as “the bane of computing”. Too many are slowed down with low value tasks dealing with end user complaints and questions that would be better served by a less expensive support team that specializes in printer support.
Can you relate to these statistics in your office? If so, we invite you to view our complimentary PRINT SMARTER. PRINT GREENER. educational video with field proven best practices and tips to help you save money, time and the environment.