Service or Supplies: 866-754-7677

K-12 Education

Eliminate paper filing and storage
Reduce the cost, time and effort spent finding, sorting and archiving student paperwork.

  • Eliminate the need to copy, transport and store paper documents.
  • Reduce manual data entry by automatically extracting data from student information systems (SIS) and state databases.
  • Store and access complete student files, including enrollment paperwork, report cards, sports records, lunch vouchers and all other paperwork in one system.

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State & Local Government

Cost-effectively deliver critical public services
Reduce bottlenecks, improve public service delivery and cut administrative overhead.

  • Operational Processes: Automate contract management, accounts payable and human resources processes and more.
  • Case Management: Provide case workers with remote access to complete case files.
  • Permitting: Improve revenue generation by electronically reviewing, issuing and managing permits.
  • Agenda Management: Automate the creation, assembly and distribution of agenda packets.
  • FOIA requests: Maintain information transparency by quickly responding to public information requests.
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Gaming Establishments

Enforce company-wide security and compliance
Reduce liability by maintaining accurate records and tracing document issues to an exact time, user and step in the process.

  • Get round-the-clock auditing of all document movement and modifications.
  • Create paperless human resources procedures.
  • Maintain ISO standards throughout your organization by tracking all events related to individual project files and employees.
  • Create granular security on files that differ for individual employees, department managers and site workers.
  • Archive documents with DoD 5015.2-certified records structures to ensure compliant recordkeeping.

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Cut down on costs, production times and supply chain bottlenecks with automated business processing.
Streamline production with instant access, and provide all corporate employees, project managers and job site workers with the most accurate and immediate project files.

  • Check the status of work orders, contracts, claims, vendor agreements and other project updates.
  • Convert photos taken with digital cameras or mobile devices into secure, accessible documents.
  • Send follow-up notifications and automatically escalate exceptions and route items for critical action.
  • Provide clients with quick access to the most up-to-date project files.
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Make the Change to California & Nevada’s Most Trusted IT and Computer Services Company

If you’re looking to eliminate the stress, headaches, and hassles that come along with rapidly evolving technology trends, choose us as your trusted partner.

3131 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95973 800-640-6065